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Online Hacking Write for Us

Online Hacking Write for Us

Online piracy is a term used to label the illegal repetition of copyrighted materials over the Internet. The term is used widely, both by opponents and advocates of online piracy. Opponents such as the Footage Industry Association of America (RIAA) use the term to try to equate copyright violators with high seas pirates looting ships. Proponents use the term to recall the romanticism of the pirate way of life, with its emphasis on individual freedom and liberation from everything else. The term piracy in this background actually has its origins long before the advent of the Internet, with author Daniel Defoe referring to pyrates making illegal reproductions of his records in 1703.

There are three chief types of piracy in this setting: music piracy, movie piracy, and software piracy. Although there are others, which are much less common, since they tend to be related to very specialized disciplines. On the contrary, although the numbers are not known precisely, hundreds of millions of people participate in online piracy around the world. The effects of connected piracy are not well established, with each side awarding various reports setting out radically different ideas.

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